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Pain is a subjective sensation that plays a crucial role in physiological illnesses. Orthodontic tooth movement frequently results in pain, serving as a major obstacle for individuals contemplating orthodontic treatment. Moreover, it is a key determinant leading to the cessation of treatment. This review aims to elucidate the notion of pain associated with orthodontic therapy. Nociception, a complex neurophysiological process, involves four component processes: transduction, transmission, modulation, and perception. During nociception, the central nervous system (cortex cerebri) senses the sensation of pain as powerful peripheral stimuli occur.


Cortex cerebri Neurophysiological process Nociception Orthodontic Care Tooth movement

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How to Cite
Desmawati, A., & Muhammad Hasan. (2023). The Concept of Pain in Orthodontic Care. Crown: Journal of Dentistry and Health Research, 1(2), 50-53.