Published: Apr 26, 2023

Beyond Amyloid: Investigating the Role of Tau Oligomers in Alzheimer's Disease Progression in Medan, Indonesia

1-13 Sony Sanjaya, Brenda Jaleel, Cindy Susanti, Yi-Fen Huang, Husin Sastranagara, Agnes Mariska

Gut-Brain Axis Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease: Early Biomarkers and Therapeutic Potential in Jakarta, Indonesia

14-26 Zahra Amir, Wisnu Wardhana Putra, Linda Purnama, Saurie Hernandez, Adolfo Rawlings, Immanuel Simbolon

Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Motor Neuron Disease Using Gait Analysis and Speech Patterns in Pekanbaru, Indonesia

27-39 Sari Sulistyoningsih, Louisa Istarini, Dedi Sucipto, Serena Jackson, Agnes Mariska, Linda Purnama, Imanuel Simbolon

The Impact of Early Intervention on Motor Outcomes in Infants with Cerebral Palsy: A Longitudinal Study with Advanced Neuroimaging Correlates in Surabaya, Indonesia

40-52 Habiburrahman Said, Novalika Kurnia, Fatimah Mursyid, Sophia Lucille Rodriguez, Theresia Putri Sinaga, Aline Hafidzah

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Multi-Center Study Exploring Gene-Environment Interactions and Biomarkers in Indonesia

53-65 Vita Amanda, Rashidah Unaib Al-Zayid, Winata Putri, Sonya Syarifah, Tiffany Gabriele, Leonardo Simanjuntak, Cinthya Callathea